Hey it’s Niki

  • I will be right back

    I know it’s been awhile and I am so mad at myself

    for lacking but life never stops lifeing

    and not all of the time can hobbies put first and ot sucks.

    but I will be getting back into my page.

    Thank you to all my supporters❤️

    Take care of your mental health

    1 minute
  • What was going on?? What should she do??

    He didn’t have to reach out to her, she was having an okay day.

    But here he comes in her phone and now on her mind

    She worked so hard and even prayed harder to get over him.

    Now here she is thinking if leaving was really a good idea.

    Take care of your mental health

    1 minute
  • Think about truly and deep

    If nobody ever tells you, you’re wrong

    Does that mean you’re always right?

    Take care of your mental health

    1 minute
  • Let’s do it

    She wasn’t done telling wisdom she just needed a rest.

    The world gets heavy at times. 

    Don’t worry you can’t get rid of me just yet 

    Let’s take care of our mental health

    1 minute
  • Would you agree??

    Just sometimes in life, you just gotta go off the grid

    and get rid of all the negative people in your life.

    Take care of your mental health

    1 minute
  • Single=one person

    A single parent is just that a single one person.

    It’s draining it’s crazy it’s down right an f-ing nightmare at times.

    There is no emotional support, no physical or financial support.

    There is nobody to vent to at the end of the day.

    There is no I am to tired to get things done she does the work of 2 people and she didn’t  have a choice.

    Nothing moves around here without her.

    and she would really like to know what it feels like to have all her needs met to have someone for her and only her.

    Take care of your mental health

    1 minute

    Growing up in a chaotic environment, she had learned to adapt to the constant upheaval.

    It was all she had ever known, and she had learned to thrive in it.

    But the quietness was a foreign concept to her.

    It was a stillness that she couldn’t quite understand, and it made her feel vulnerable.

    In the silence, her thoughts would wander to the dangers that lurked in the chaos, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

    It was a reminder that she was not in control, and that scared her more than anything else.

    Despite her fear, she couldn’t deny the allure of the quietness.

    It was a welcome break from the chaos, a moment to catch her breath and reflect on the events that had unfolded.

    It was in these quiet moments that she found the strength to face the chaos once again.

    She knew that she couldn’t escape it, but she could find solace in the brief moments of quietness.

    It was a delicate balance, but one that she had learned to navigate with time.

    And as she braced herself for the chaos that would inevitably follow, she held onto the quietness that gave her the courage to face it.

    Take care of your mental health

    1 minute
  • Light bulb moment

    She finally understood why her grandpa would only give resources and wisdom to problems.

    If you throw a dog a big bone 1 time, they are gonna think you will throw that big bone every time

    Set boundaries and take care of your mental health

    1 minute
  • Let’s walk a mile

    She damn sure would try to walk a mile in someone’s shoes.

    To understand them even if she could last a few steps.

    Take care of your mental health

    1 minute
  • Is it stars or something else

    Those pills cause more pain, than they help relieve It.

    The whole situation becomes a battlefield when she takes them

    War is declared, and the others don’t know why.

    Those pills are the stars in her eyes.

    When she starts to come down, her ground is shaking she’s losing control.

    What else does she do take a few more pills just to make it through.

    Take care of your mental health

    1 minute